Saturday, January 8, 2011

Max's family

This Xmas Max’s mum addressed the Xmas cards to Max. This was so good to see and made him extremely happy. The family are really doing so much better. Max’s mum still comments that Max really hasn't changed much, and this is okay with us, because this means that the transitioning is not scary too her, as she still sees her child. Max’s dad doesn't talk about it, but will say that he is supportive and leaves it at that, again this is fine with us too. Also Max’s brother and sister in law have also told their children. The eldest, who is 10 years old boy, was very interested and seemed to be quiet excepting about it. While the youngest, 7 year old girl, was not interested to talk about it. We are relieved that they have finally told the children.

Max went down to the family farm the day after Boxing Day, I didn’t go. Max’s mother told us that we are not allowed to tell his grandmother about his transition, therefore at the farm he will be called by his birth name. This is one of the reasons why I didn’t go; as I cannot go back to using his birth name (also I was still in grief from my friend’s death). I also think it is a little naive to think that grandma doesn’t know what is going on, but I guess denial can be a powerful force. Max reported when he got back that one night they had a games night and his niece suggested girls vs. boys, and Max stated let’s not do that, and everyone had a big laugh. Even though his niece did not want to hear about the transition, she hardly left Max’s side at the farm. Overall, at the farm everything went really well, and the family are able to see that Max is still the same person, but happier. When he got back, though, he asked me to call him Max a couple of times.

1 comment:

  1. This is such an interesting post. The outward and inner reflections of those around Max are so subtle in their expression and your observations are caring and empathetic. The games night is sweetly telling - an opportunity for the neice to confirm her acceptance of Max perhaps, her foot delicately in both camps. The nephew is speaking for both of them I think.
