Thursday, April 21, 2011

Questions and an interesting observation

I thought that I would ask people who are reading this blog, do you have any questions for me? So if you wisk to ask me a question, you can comment on this post.

Also I have realised that now when I watch TV shows, or movies or listen to music, I can fit Max's and I relationship into the context of that media. I have never had this before as I have been in same-sex relationships. Again it just highlights how hetero-normative society is. I would like to see more queer/gay represented in the media of the world.

1 comment:

  1. Heya :)
    How are you getting on with being identified as a "straight" couple? Having said that, given Max's current hair cut you don't collectively look overly 'straight' but there must be many people who think that way.

    Ali :)
