Friday, June 11, 2010

Moods, Moods, Moods


Max and I both have been struggling with his moods. He is currently on 100 Sustanon fortnightly, and for the last 4-6 days of the cycle his mood is very bad. He becomes very socially withdrawn, irritable, depressed and generally unpleasant to be around. Max does have insight into these moods, but has very limited control over it. When he has had his shot he is the opposite - upbeat, happy mood, chatty and so on. It is a real Jekyll and Hyde situation. I am struggling with this, as these up and down moods are so new to me. In the 2 years that we have been together our relationship has been very stable. We hardly fight/disagree (pre T probably less than 5 times), we can predict each other’s behaviours which leads to a very smooth running relationship. However since he started T, we have had a few fights/disagreements (in the last 2 months probably as many as we had in the first 2 years), and I (and Max) cannot predict his behaviour. At times I have to be measured in what I say and how I say it. I do have to state, that having to tell his parents soon, is also contributing to his mood. Max is extremely apologetic to me about his behaviour, and I understand that he has no control over this. We cannot wait until he starts 250 Sustanon as the mood cycles are suppose to become stable. Fingers crossed.

Update: Max started 250 on the 9th of June – Thank Goodness.

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