Thursday, February 4, 2010

We're still queer


We told one of my closest friends and his girlfriend today. Travis and Christine were very supportive and understanding, especially for non-queer people and that they have never come across this before. So far no-one has questioned if I will or how I will stay with Max, which is fantastic. My answer, anyway, is because I love him. Christine did ask how we as lesbians would then identify. This is a great question and one that has plagued my head. The answer in a nutshell is QUEER. I will still be Femme and Max with still be Butch.

I feel so close to Max now, as he has let me in a little closer. Our relationship is just so strong and just seems to get better and better. I cannot imagine my life without him.

It feels weird chaning pronouns; I get a sense of excitement mixed with some apprehension. I am really looking forward to the confidence I believe will increase in Max and that the body dysphoria will lessen. However I worry about the reactions from others and the influence it may have on our relationship.

I am half way through the book S/he

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