Monday, February 22, 2010

Grooming - can he do it

Well I have not written a journal entry for a couple of weeks, since we saw the psychologist together. I believe that things have come down a lot after the initial processing of Max contemplating transitioning. We chat about it from time to time, but without the intensity of the first week or two. We continue to read our books and search the net. I was able to find some academic articles about partners of FTMs which I am yet to read, but I am glad that they do exist (though very few in number). We feel that this process of making the decision, even if it happens or not, it has brought us closer. We have shared so much, and a lot of it we have never shared with anyone before.

On the weekend of the 6th and 7th of February, Max started to shave. As I have stated before, this is something that he has always wanted to do. So we went out and bought all the materials. I have never really looked into male skin care and shaving before, and I am amazed how many products there are. Anyway we bought the cheap razors, as who needs to have a razor with 4 or 5 blades on it ... talk about razor burn! Also this weekend was Pride March, the last day of the Midsumma carnival. My mum came a long for the first time. She had a great time and I was so proud of her for coming. All my friends enjoyed her being there and showing/explaining the floats to her. I believe that my mum will be okay with Max transitioning and I think she may be able to help us when we need to talk to Max's parents and my dad.

My biggest worry with Max transitioning is the amount of grooming he will need to do once he has started T. He has admitted that he has got a little lazy with his nighttime showers. He tends to shower every 2 (sometimes even third, but don't tell anyone) day. Also he does not really look after his skin, such as moisturising. I know that with starting T, acne is a big problem for some. So if this happens he will need to SHOWER EVERYDAY and exfoliate and moisturise. Also he will have to shave regularly as I do not think I will adjust to well to facial hair when kissing him. So to ease my anxiety he has been shaving every three to four days and showering every day to prove to me that he can do it. I did notice when he was kissing me yesterday that I could feel some tiny pinprick hairs. It did not bother me at all, but I assume that the hairs will be totally different when he is on T.

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