Monday, February 8, 2010

We communicate so well


We watched more YouTube last night together. We realised that T can start to take effect pretty quickly. Some FTMs on YouTube had noticeable changes in the 2-4 months range. This means that Max's family will need regular contact so they are not shocked at the changes. This makes it a bit hard as his parents live overseas.

I read the letter that Max penned to his parents. It made me cry and I so hope that his parents are supportive and do not disown him. There are some great letter templates on the Transitional Male website and the FTM Australia website that help tell your family, boss and co-workers about the transition. Max used a template mixed with his own experience.

We talked about the possibility that Max will talk less after he transitions due to the reduced emotionality that me occur with T. This is something that I am worried about as I love this aspect of our relationship. We agreed that I already have the past experience (all my best friends have been males - queer and straight) so I am use to 'warming' guys up to speak. I also have the skills. Max does not speak much in social situations and I fill in the gap well. Also when he comes home I give him the chance to warm up and start talking. I feel better already after this conversation. We communicate so well.

I read my journal (now this blog) so far to him today and I made him cry. We then joked about getting it (the crying) all out now, before the T. We also spoke about how close he is already to being perceived as a male. He already passes nearly all the time (even without trying). he has masculine hobbies, masculine body and features (i.e., strong jaw, wide shoulders, big muscles), masculine clotheing style and a strong masculine way of operating in this world. He is already there; he just needs a little more. I don't think he will change that much more. If he wore a dress now (pre-T, pre-op), he would look like he is in drag.

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