Thursday, February 4, 2010

Changing pronouns at home


We thought that changing pronouns at home might be a good idea to try things. We both recalled that when I spoke to the psychologist and referred to "Jen" and "she", it felt wrong. Weird, that if felt wrong so quickly.

Max (Jen) and I have friends Aaron and Anabelle, who are a transguy and femme. We met them through the ButchFemmeTrans group about a year ago. We have been inviting them over for dinner for the past 3 months, but both of us have been so busy. We have finally set a date and we also told them about hte idea of transitioning. we have had to tell the people that we have told to keep it to themselves at the moment for 2 reasons. 1) We are still currently at the stage of making the decision to go through with it or not, 2) We don't want it to spread through the lesbian/queer community, we would like to be the ones that tell people.

Today, while we were talking about it again, for the first time we started to use humour. We started having some fun and laughing. Mostly at 'going though puberty stuff, such as the voice breaking'. Also as Max is only showering every 2 days, he will have to shower more as his smell will change. I also found out today, which I never knew before, was that Max has always wanted to shave. And he will have to. I am no experience of kissing anyone with facial hair, and I don't think I will like it too much. I know plenty of straight women who do not like kissing their partners when they have grown a mo for Movember.

The anxiety I am feeling today is about, will it happen. I just feel like I need to know, but I don't know why I have this need. I asked Max how likely he thinks it will go ahead. His reply was that he is 80% sure the transition will occur.

Max is very excited about gettting his gym/work out area organised in the bungalow. We had planned that it would be his space (called it the Butch Bungalow) when we moved in 3 months ago. Today we went shopping and he bought weights and a press table. He has already started working out. He wants to loss the subcut fat before he starts T.

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